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LM1 2.7.0

Release Date: December 9th 2024

What's New?

  • The 2.7.0 release for the LM1 Luminometer contains the following improvements for devices integrated with Neogen Analytics.


Added a new Sample Plans widget to the homepage. When pressed, you will be directed to a list of active sample plans configured for the site. Selecting a sample plan directs you to a test point list view within that sample plan.
For more information, see Unplanned Testing with the LM1.

  • Added the ability to initiate tests and retests from the test point list view screen within the sample plan workflow.
  • Updated sample plans and test points within a sample plan to appear in the same order they appear in Neogen Analytics. You can filter columns in Neogen Analytics to change the sample plan order, but you currently cannot do this on the LM1.
  • Added pagination buttons to the sample plan workflow, which allow a user to more easily find their intended test points.
  • Added the test method selection to the test execution screen within the sample plan workflow.
    Note: If only one test method is active for the selected test point, the field defaults to that test method and no selection is required.

Neogen Analytics 1.11.2

Release Date: December 4th 2024

What's New?

The 1.11.2 release for Neogen Analytics contains the following improvements and bug fixes, including the addition of the chemical analysis type and updates to the product testing module, LM1 integration, and more.


  • Added the ability for company admins to add a chemical analysis type for use in product testing.
    • Note: Chemical analysis types are only available in the product testing module.
  • Added the ability to select the sample type when creating a test method or policy, which allows you to specify whether the method or policy is chemical or microbiological.
  • Added the ability to document individual analyte results (manually or integrated) and a final calculated value or ratio so that the chemical results can be managed in one place.
  • Added a Sample Type column and filter to the policies table, which allows you to easily identify the supported sample types for each policy.
  • Updated the Analysis Types drop-down list to dynamically update based on the selected sample field, ensuring only relevant analysis options are displayed.
  • Added the ability to add both MPR (Moisture Protein Ratio) and PFF (Protein Fat Free) to a policy, ensuring that both calculations and results are visible when the policy is used in a sample analysis.
  • Added the ability for admins to add or remove the PFF and MPR calculations for a policy when fat or moisture and protein are added, providing greater flexibility in managing company policies.
  • Added the ability to update MPR and PFF results after completion.
  • Updated the system to verify when a critical chemical analysis is removed from the sample form, automatically adjusting the visibility of MPR and/or PFF as needed.
  • Added the ability to assign a sample analysis to a specific LM1 device as well as manage assignable LM1s via the application settings.
  • Added the ability to send new or existing sample plans consisting of routine test points to an LM1 device.
  • Added the ability to see which results were performed via a sample plan on an LM1 device.
  • Added the ability to send sample analyses automatically to an LM1 device when they are scheduled for the same day.
  • Updated the system to automatically change a sample analysis' status from ‘scheduled’ to ‘sent to device’ when the scheduled date arrives and the sample analysis syncs to the LM1.
  • Updated all references of “owner” to “assignee” when referring to a person assigned to a sample analysis.
  • Added the ability for enhanced viewers to verify corrective actions within the application, enabling them to take the appropriate verification steps.

Bug Fixes

  • Updated the ‘Collected’ and ‘Date’ columns on the List of Open SA table to sort correctly when clicking the column labels. Sorting the ‘Date’ column defaults from latest to oldest, including proper handling of the DD/MM/YY date format for the site.
  • Updated sorting to correctly account for year, month, and date, allowing for accurate sorting from oldest to newest and vice versa.
  • Updated the ‘Select Company’ filter on the Site Details tab so that it preselects the company the user navigated from and only displays sites related to that company in the list.
  • Fixed an issue where the sample analysis owner field was incorrectly generating an error.
  • Added a confirmation message to the EMP module to indicate when a sample analysis is successfully duplicated, which replaces the previously blank message.
  • Added a warning message to notify users that unselecting the 'All Site' check box for a program will remove the program from all sites. Confirmation is required before proceeding.
  • Fixed issue where duplicate errors could appear on test method rules.
  • Updated the sample plans list to display the full sample plan name for improved clarity and visibility.

QCDM (Quality Control Data Manager) 3.2.3

Release Date: November 27th 2024

What’s New?

  • The 3.2.3 release for the Quality Control Data Manager (QCDM) software contains the following updates, which
  • conclude the rebranding efforts for the software.
  • Improvements
  • Finalized the updates to Neogen branding for errors and downloaded PDF and CSV reports.
  • Updated the About section to show only the current software version and the date it was released  

Fusion 2.2.0

Release date: October 14, 2024

What’s new? The 2.2.0 release for the Fusion software contains the following improvements regarding additional  language options.


  • Added Japanese as a language option for the software  
  • Added Korean as a language option for the software

Previous release date: June 5, 2024

Release notes for version 2.1.5

The 2.1.5 release for the Fusion software contains various bug fixes and improvements, including a new tool for archiving data and the option to enable an over threshold warning prior to testing.


  • Added the Archive Database Tool to the Utilities tab, which allows admin users to create an archive of all data for a selected date range. Archived data is stored in a separate database and no longer displays in reporting.
  • Added the Over Threshold Warning option to the system settings. When enabled, the quality of a vial is checked prior to testing. If the vial returns a reading above the acceptable threshold, a warning message displays.
  • Added the dark blue sample status color to indicate when a vial is over the threshold.
  • Updated the Device Type field to display only the Soleris Next Gen when adding a new instrument.
  • Updated the Vial Type field in the Test Configuration section to display all active vials.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from closing the password reset pop-up window.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the use of special characters in the Temperature field.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Operator and Manager-level users to receive an error while attempting to export from the Sample Data Analysis page.

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