Igenity® Profiles

Livestock Advancements are Driven by Igenity® Profiles

Igenity Profiles have been developed to drive DNA testing for livestock. This genomic technology allows for beef, dairy, and swine producers to unlock the genetic potential to ensure quality and efficiency of each animal. Igenity is an advanced genomic profile portfolio for commercial beef, dairy, and swine that helps you make confident selection, breeding, and management decisions for your herd.


Igenity Beef and Igenity Feeder can explain the genetic potential for selecting replacement heifers and feedlot steers, allowing producers to rank cattle based on operational goals and make strategic decisions. Our expert indexes target a wide range of genetic traits in beef cattle and can also be personalized to fit specific production or market opportunities. Our profiles include maternal traits like birth weight and calving ease, performance traits like residual feed intake, days on feed, and average daily gain, and carcass traits like tenderness and marbling. Calves tested with Igenity products can qualify for Igenity Branded if they meet the qualifications listed.


Igenity Essential and Igenity Select examine the most valuable traits to eliminate uncertainty in your replacement heifer selection and help you make optimal breeding decisions. It's a cost-effective way to track your herd's genetic progress to move your operation in the right direction and predict how young calves will perform in the milking herd for years to come.


Igenity Swine helps producers optimize production goals when making selection decisions. Information for ten markers of economic importance related to animal growth, sow productivity, herd health, and meat quality empowers you to advance your herd genetically.

Igenity Select

A dairy profile that examines over 50 traits, including content for production, fertility, health, type, and genetic conditions.

Igenity Essential

A dairy profile that examines 15 of the most economically impactful traits for easy selection decisions.

Igenity Merit

A streamlined dairy profile that gives you values for net merit, cheese merit, and fluid merit.

Igenity Basic

A dairy profile that provides easy-to-understand 1–10 scores on 14 key traits and Basic Plus includes parentage testing.

Igenity Beef

A beef profile targeting 17 maternal, performance, and carcass traits to rank cattle for confident herd development.

Igenity Feeder

A beef profile to identify feeder cattle’s genetic potential for carcass traits and days on feed for optimal profitability.

Igenity BeefxDairy

This is a revolutionary genomic test that aids in beef on dairy calf management, individual performance, and marketing potential of these unique calves.

Igenity Swine

Igenity Swine is an industry-leading analysis tool for commercial producers to identify economically relevant traits and defects to enhance selection decisions.