Ramik® Rodent Control for Farm and Home
Proven solutions for the control of rats, mice, and other rodents listed on the label*.
When rats and mice invade your home, barn, or storage shed they can cause damage, contaminate food and feed, and possibly transmit disease through urine and droppings. Rodents reproduce quickly and a simple mouse in the house can turn into a severe rodent infestation in a short period of time. Ramik® rodenticides, traps, and bait stations provide you with options to easily get control of your rodent problem and continue treatment to prevent problems in the future.
* Not permitted for use against the following species in California: Cotton Rat, Eastern Harvest Mouse, Golden Mouse, Polynesian Rat, Meadow Vole White-throated woodrat, Southern plains woodrat, and Mexican woodrat, and Bushy-tailed woodrat.
Ramik is available at many Farm & Home Retailers, Farm Supply Dealers, and online at Amazon.com.

Ramik Rodenticides for the Home
Ramik Mouser RF (refillable tamper-resistant bait stations with 8 or 16 Ramik Mini-Bars) and the Ramik Mouser (disposable pre-loaded tamper-resistant bait stations) offer homeowners options with bait stations and Ramik Mini-bars for use inside homes, garages, sheds, and other indoor areas for the control of mice.

Ramik Rodenticides for the Farm
In the barn and around the farm, Ramik is available in many forms including bars and mini-bars, hot extruded pellets and bait packs. Use with tamper-resistant bait stations inside and outside structures to prevent pets, livestock, and other non-target animals from accessing the bait.

Ramik Glue Traps and Snap Traps
Ramik traps offer you the option to eliminate rats, mice, and meadow voles without the use of poison. Glue Traps and Snap Traps come in sizes for both mice and rats while the Multi-catch Station offers users the ability to catch mice without killing.

Ramik Mole and Gopher
Your outdoor space is your oasis, don’t let moles or gophers ruin your lawn or garden with unsightly tunnels and dead grass or plants. Ramik Mole & Gopher is a palatable bait made with food a quality grain mix and is easy to apply in tunnels. It is weather resistant and holds up well in moist conditions.