Get Expert Solutions for Every Stage of Swine Production
Swine production is a complex process that requires precision and expertise. You need effective solutions that fit your needs, support your operation’s productivity and growth, and offer unmatched support and services to protect your herd, facility, and brand reputation from start to finish. With our comprehensive genomics, animal care, and food safety solutions, we use our industry expertise to support the entire pork supply chain. We’re a global leader in the swine industry and partner with you in providing high-quality, safer pork products to consumers across the globe.
Igenity® Swine
Igenity Swine is the premier tool for selecting your herd to optimize production goals. Igenity Swine delivers information for ten markers to assist you in making educated selection decisions. Traits include information on animal growth, sow productivity, herd health, and meat quality to empower you with complete information to advance your herd.

Make Strategic Breeding Decisions with Swine Genomics
Using genomics in swine breeding can improve the accuracy of estimated breeding values and lead to better results than more traditional selection methods. We’re a global leader and partner in developing complete genomic solutions like our industry-leading GGP Porcine 50K and custom arrays and sequencing to support any unique needs, such as in research and academia.

Use Our Expert Solutions to Maximize Your Herd
Caring for your animals is vital to your operation's success, and our wide-ranging solutions can support both you and your veterinarian as you raise the most efficient and healthiest pigs possible. Meeting everyday farm needs help with raising cost-effective pigs and preventing disease outbreaks. With our innovative solutions, like detectable needles that can easily be found if broken, our expertise in the swine industry serves you and helps you reach your production goals.

Get the Animal Care Supplies You Need
Enhancing your animals’ health and performance is always a top priority, and we have comprehensive animal care solutions to help improve your herd health. We partner with you and your vet to help keep your pigs as healthy and profitable as possible. From identification and handling equipment to syringes and detectable needles, we have the wide range of solutions you need to manage your herd.
Our evolution of needle safety with the D3™X Needle (patent pending) offers the three D’s: Dual detectability, durability, and dependability. This provides producers, workers, packers, and consumers with the confidence they need to inject with more protection.
Veterinary Instrument Solutions

Raise Healthy Pigs with Healthy People
Help prevent the spread of pathogens and diseases among your herd and team with our cleaners, disinfectants, and sanitation solutions. With people-focused biosecurity options to help your team safely care for your pigs and EPA-approved options to kill swine-targeted viruses and pathogens, you can protect both your pigs and your people. Use our sanitation monitoring systems to test your cleaning procedures easily and verify that your sanitation is effective enough to remove pathogens and prevent outbreaks.
Sanitation & Hygiene Solutions

Produce Healthier Pigs with Cleaner Water
Managing water quality and quantity intake is one of the most overlooked best management practices in production. Disinfecting the water your pigs drink eliminates disease-causing pathogens and can improve feed conversion and growth rates. It plays an important role in digestion and nutrient absorption and is essential in many ways for optimal growth. We offer comprehensive water treatment tools for improving water quality throughout production and ultimately improving animal quality.

Manage Your Mycotoxin Risks
Help protect your herd by working to keep your feed supply safer from mycotoxins, get reliable results quickly using our easy-to-use tests.
Mycotoxin Solutions
Get Ready to Export
With our Ractopamine testing options, you can easily verify your herd’s levels and be ready to meet export standards.
Shop Ractopamine Solutions
Safe and Successful Processing
Harvest is a critical step in the swine supply chain, and as a leader in food safety solutions, we offer you comprehensive solutions to verify effective food safety and sanitation throughout your processing operation. We provide food safety diagnostic and data management tools that allow you to effectively manage pathogen control, sanitation, and environmental monitoring programs while driving efficiency across your facility.

Strengthen Your Sanitation and Environmental Monitoring
Maintaining effective sanitation and environmental monitoring programs is vital for your food safety program. Keep your processing running smoothly, and gain confidence in your cleaning and testing protocols with our environmental monitoring programs and ATP sanitation verification systems. Our advanced systems and comprehensive software give you greater insight into your data and helps you identify potential issues early.
Environmental Monitoring Solutions

Help Keep Your Customers Safer with Pathogen Testing
Confirming that your products are safe is critically important to protecting your customers and your brand reputation. From E. coli to Salmonella, our pathogen testing solutions can help you test across products, equipment, and surfaces. With multiple formats available, including rapid tests and microbiology systems, you can easily meet your facility’s needs, be ready for evolving regulations and guidelines, and verify you’re delivering safer products to your customers.

Clean-label Products and Effective Spoilage Investigations
Clean-label products and spoilage investigations are critical, and our metagenomics services can help with troubleshooting and investigating root causes by understanding the bacterial microbiome in your process. By leveraging 16S metagenomics, you can understand the microorganisms potentially causing the spoilage and identify potential problem locations. The unique combination of our food safety and genomics expertise provides vital new information to help refine your food safety and quality programs.

Manage Your Allergen Risk
Effectively manage your allergen risks with our multi-format allergen testing solutions and easily identify any contamination issues.
Allergen Solutions
Get Ready to Export
With our Ractopamine testing options, you can easily verify the levels in pork and be ready to meet export standards.
Shop Ractopamine Solutions