Public Health
Your Trusted Partner for Public Health and Sanitation
As global awareness grows around public health and the transfer of disease and bacteria, you need a reliable partner for all of your testing needs. As an industry leader in developing and marketing environmental monitoring solutions, biosecurity products, and sanitation monitoring systems and software, Neogen® can be your dedicated solution supplier. Our goal is to help you enhance your current testing practices as your single-source vendor — even fill gaps when they appear — and provide unmatched support. We’ve been around since 1982, so we’ve received a lot of questions. Neogen has industry experts with real-world experience, so we’re ready to answer all of your questions. We provide unmatched 24/7 global support, as well as remote LabLive training and Proficiency Testing programs.
Discover Your Commercial Cleaning Capabilities
Following COVID-19, many industries are beginning to invest more time and money into commercial cleaning companies to verify cleaning practices. No matter which industry you serve, we’re dedicated and ready to be your trusted single-source vendor for the people-focused biosecurity solutions, ATP sanitation monitoring systems, and water treatment solutions you require.

Enhance Your Sanitation Monitoring with a Global Partner
Cleaning verification is becoming increasingly prominent worldwide. Simultaneously, the public relies on safe, confident cleaning protocols when coming in contact with retailers, schools, public transportation, event centers, and more. Our ATP sanitation monitoring systems and software provide the accuracy, transparency, and ease-of-use your environmental control plan requires so you can effectively verify your cleaning practices are getting the job done. As your single-source provider, we offer the solutions and the support services necessary to carry out your sanitation monitoring.
Learn About AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation

Consistently Ordered Portfolio of Cleaners and Disinfectants
In addition to sanitation monitoring, biosecurity is at the top of mind for every industry worldwide. We provide a comprehensive portfolio of many EPA-approved and FDA-registered cleaners and disinfectants, so you can rest assure that your sanitation solutions are getting the job done. Our solutions include reliable hand soap and sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and aerosol for transportation vehicles, which are continuously used globally and have provided many companies with peace of mind during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sanitation & Hygiene Solutions

We Make it Easy to Test Public Water
As you may know, clear water doesn’t necessarily mean clean water. A clean water supply is top of the list for protecting public health and limiting the spread of disease. As your partner, we are dedicated to supporting your community’s health with industry-leading solutions. Our water microbiology diagnostic testing solutions make it easy to detect total coliforms and E. coli in water samples, with unrivaled ease-of-use and flexibility. If you have any questions about our water testing solutions, please reach out to our team of experts.
Shop Potable Water Applications

Reliable Support — Day or Night
Get your questions answered day or night with our expert-operated 24/7 global support lines.
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Remote Training for All Customers
We provide LabLive, a remote training service, to enhance our customers learning and verify correct testing procedures.
Protect Your Workers from Disease
Our COMPANION™ solutions are effective and easy-to-use so that your facility can help limit the spread of bacteria and disease.
Shop Sanitation & Hygiene
Supporting and Supplying Health Departments of All Sizes
Public health is an essential function for health departments at every level. With public concerns rising around infectious diseases, viruses, and bacteria, many local governments are increasing their use of biosecurity applications, water testing solutions, and ATP sanitation monitoring systems to protect their communities. As a global leader, we can supply and support health departments with the critical biosecurity and testing solutions they need. Our team of industry experts, various support options, and resources make getting started seamless and quick.

Sanitation Verification that Supports Your Community’s Health
Accurately quantifying cleanliness is crucial throughout cities and local governments. Citizens rely daily on their government to confidently and correctly clean, disinfect, and assess common touch surfaces and places with great foot traffic to ensure a safe community. Our ATP sanitation monitoring systems and software provide the accuracy, transparency, and ease-of-use your health departments require, so you can verify your cleaning practices are up to par for a healthier, safer community. Our team of experts makes it easy to get started and stay informed.
Learn About AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation

Your Substrate Provider for Immunoassays
We’re a global manufacturer and provider of reliable, robust substrates and reagents. Our continuously expanding portfolio includes many industry-leading substrates, which have constantly been used within many public health immunoassays worldwide. Being ISO 9001:2015 certified, our quality management system improves our efficiency and effectiveness, providing you with consistent, high-quality products with excellent sensitivity and stability. Our team of industry experts is happy to assist if you have questions in your substrate and reagents search.

Services to Support Your Testing
Our support options help make testing a breeze — from LabLive training to Proficiency Testing — we’ve got you covered.
Laboratory Services
Substrates & Reagents Catalog
Our substrates and reagents catalog highlights our available solutions and provides detailed product information that’ll help you narrow down your search.
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People-Focused Biosecurity Solutions Webinar
Watch our biosecurity team discuss our robust people-focused sanitation solutions and provide expert advice around proper sanitation and disinfection.
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