Sanitation & Hygiene
Result Type
Validation Method
Temperature Optima (°C)
pH Optima
Results 140
AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation
A handheld sanitation verification instrument that accurately detects ATP from surfaces and rinse waters.
Platform: Sanitation
Approvals: AOAC
AccuPoint® Advanced Sampler, Surface
SKU No. 700002879 | Catalog No. 9905
The AccuPoint Advanced Surface Sampler is an ATP detection swab uniquely designed for best results from environmental surfaces.
Analyte: ATP
AccuPoint® Advanced Sampler, Access
SKU No. 700002883 | Catalog No. 9907
The AccuPoint Advanced Access Sampler is an ATP detection swab uniquely designed for best results from narrow, hard-to-reach areas like filler heads and nozzles.
Analyte: ATP
AccuPoint® Advanced Sampler, Water
SKU No. 700002881 | Catalog No. 9906
The AccuPoint Advanced Water Sampler is an ATP detection swab uniquely designed for best results from rinses.
Analyte: ATP
AccuClean® Advanced Rapid Protein Residue Test
SKU No. 700002888 | Catalog No. 9960
AccuClean Advanced is intended to be used as a simple method to determine the cleanliness of food contact surfaces and equipment.
Analyte: Protein
Result Type: Presence/Absence
AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation Electronic Control Kit
SKU No. 700004106 | Catalog No. 9912
Verifies instrument calibration. Only compatible with the AccuPoint Advanced Next Generation ATP Reader.
AccuPoint® Advanced Sampler Extender
SKU No. 700004063 | Catalog No. 9611
The sampler extender is in use with the AccuPoint Advance ATP Samplers to extend the sampler handle by 6".
AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation Field Cleaning Kit
SKU No. 700002776 | Catalog No. 9612-2
Used to clean debris off the lens of the AccuPoint Advanced Next Generation ATP Reader.
AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation USB Cable
SKU No. 700004109 | Catalog No. 9918
Paired with the wall charger for power supply. Also used for data transfer from reader to PC.
AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation Wall Charger
SKU No. 700004110 | Catalog No. 9919
Compatible with the AccuPoint Advanced Next Gen ATP reader with interchangeable wall plates for international use.
AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation Holster
SKU No. 700004108 | Catalog No. 9916
Protects instrument from impact and provides extra sampler storage.
AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation Wall Plate
Compatible with the AccuPoint Advanced Next Gen ATP wall charger.
Neogen® Clean-Trace® Surface ATP Test Swab
SKU No. 700002207 | Catalog No. UXL100
Clean-Trace® Surface ATP is a single-use test device that contains a swab for the collection of a sample from a surface. The swab is pre-moistened to aid in sample collection and processing.
Analyte: ATP
Result Type: Relative Light Units (RLU)
Approvals: AOAC
Application: Hygiene Monitoring
Neogen® Clean-Trace® Luminometer
SKU No. 700002222 | Catalog No. LM1
Clean-Trace® Luminometer is a simple, quick and reliable hand held diagnostic tool to verify cleaning effectiveness and capture, store and manage data for later analysis.
Approvals: AOAC
AccuPoint® Advanced Reader
SKU No. 700002873 | Catalog No. 9903
AccuPoint® Advanced Sanitation Verification System is a handheld ATP reader that accurately detects ATP from surfaces and rinse water samples.
Approvals: AOAC-RI 091601
Neogen® Clean-Trace® Surface Protein Plus Test Swab
SKU No. 700002209 | Catalog No. PRO100
Clean-Trace® Surface Protein Plus Test Swab is a simple, quick, and reliable method of checking for the removal of protein residues after cleaning and quickly identifies contamination.
Result Type: Color Change
Limit of Detection: 1 ng
Application: Hygiene Monitoring
Neogen® Clean-Trace® Water Plus - Total ATP
SKU No. 700002100 | Catalog No. AQT200
Clean-Trace® Water Plus - Total ATP is designed to rapidly assess equipment sanitation processes and the efficiency of Clean in Place (CIP) procedures.
Analyte: ATP
Result Type: Relative Light Units (RLU)
Time to Result: 8 Seconds
Application: Hygiene Monitoring
Clean-Trace® Luminometer LX25
SKU No. 700005212 | Catalog No. LX25
Clean-Trace® Luminometer LX25 is a simple, quick, and accurate handheld tool for cleaning process monitoring that can capture, store, and transmit data for later analysis.
Platform: Hygiene Monitoring and Management
Neogen® Clean-Trace® ATP Surface Test
SKU No. 700005215 | Catalog No. UXC100
Collecting adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from a contaminated surface is as easy as swabbing with the Clean-Trace® ATP Surface Test.
Analyte: ATP
Platform: Hygiene Monitoring and Management
Result Type: Relative Light Units (RLU)
Limit of Detection: 1 ng of ATP
Application: Environmental
Synergize is a hospital grade, multi-purpose disinfectant-cleaner with a Quaternary ammonium/ glutaraldehyde combination active chemistry.
Active Ingredient: Quaternary Ammonium/Glutaraldehyde
Indended Use: Poultry and turkey farms, hatcheries, swine operations, veal barns, equine facilities, veterinary clinics, animal care facilities, ratite facilities, calf pens, vehicles, etc.
Application: Mechanical Sprayer, Fogging, Soaking, Boot Baths, Vehicle Disinfection
Microbial Luminescence System Ultra High Temperature Beverage Screen Kit
SKU No. 700002226 | Catalog No. BEV600
A beverage screen kit used with the Neogen® Microbial Luminescence System (MLS) for testing Ultra high temperature (UHT) and ESL beverages.
Analyte: Aerobic
Result Type: Relative Light Units (RLU)
Neogen® Clean-Trace® Surface Positive Control
SKU No. 700002101 | Catalog No. ATP10
Clean-Trace® Surface Positive Control is designed to enhance hygiene monitoring procedures by providing cost effective assurance that hygiene monitoring reagents and instruments are being used and stored correctly to ensure reliable results.
Analyte: ATP
Result Type: Relative Light Units (RLU)
Limit of Detection: 1 ng
Time to Result: 8 Seconds
Application: Hygiene Monitoring
Microbial Luminescence System Ultra High Temperature Dairy Screen Kit
SKU No. 700002022 | Catalog No. 3000DPQCOG
Neogen® Microbial Luminescence System Ultra High Temperature Dairy Screen Kit is a rapid microbial detection system for use with the Neogen® Microbial Luminescence System (MLS).
BioSentry® 904 Disinfectant
BioSentry 904 Disinfectant is a hospital grade broad-spectrum blend of four quaternary ammonium compounds disinfectant recommended for use on hard nonporous surfaces.
Active Ingredient: Combination of Four Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
Indended Use: Federally inspected meat and poultry plants on non-food contact surfaces. Complete hatchery, veterinary and farm premise disinfectant.
Application: Spray on Hard Surfaces, Vehicle Disinfection, Boot Baths, Footbaths
Neogen® Clean-Trace® ATP Water Test
SKU No. 700005216 | Catalog No. H2O
Adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) hygiene monitoring.
Analyte: ATP
Platform: Hygiene Monitoring and Management
Result Type: Relative Light Units (RLU)
Limit of Detection: 1 ng of ATP ng
Time to Result: 8 - 12 Seconds
Approvals: AOAC
Application: Environmental
Microbial Luminescence System ATP Reagent Control Kit
SKU No. 700002017 | Catalog No. 3004
ATP reagent control kit for use with the Neogen® Microbial Luminescence System (MLS), 22.5ng/vial.
Analyte: Aerobic
Result Type: Relative Light Units (RLU)
Limit of Detection: 1 ng
Time to Result: 27 minutes Minutes
Application: Hygiene Monitoring
COMPANION™ Disinfectant
COMPANION Disinfectant is a hospital grade, multi-purpose disinfectant with a Quaternary ammonium/ glutaraldehyde combination active chemistry.
Active Ingredient: Quaternary Ammonium Compound, Quaternary Ammonium/Glutaraldehyde
Indended Use: Veterinary clinics, animal care facilities, animal quarantine areas, animal laboratories, animal life science laboratories, animal research centers, pet shops, kennels, animal breeding facilities, foot baths, and grooming establishments.
Application: Mopping, Spraying, Soaking, Immersion, Kennels
Microbial Luminescence System Injector Cleaning Kit
SKU No. 700002028 | Catalog No. 3005
Neogen® Microbial Luminescence System Injector Cleaning Kit is intended for daily use with the Neogen® Microbial Luminescence System to help prevent microbial contamination and biofilm formation in the MLS instrument.
Result Type: Relative Light Units (RLU)
Microbial Luminescence System Maintenance Solution
SKU No. 700002197 | Catalog No. 3006
Maintenance solution for use with the Neogen® Microbial Luminescence System (MLS).
Microbial Luminescence System MLSII
SKU No. 700002021 | Catalog No. MLSII
A rapid microbial detection system using ATP bioluminescence in a microwell based System to detect the presence of microbial ATP in Ultra Heat Treated (UTH) and Extended Shelf Life (ESL) dairy and dairy end products.
COMPANION™ Disinfectant Wipes
COMPANION™ disinfectant wipes are a ready to use wipe that effectively cleans, disinfects and controls odor in one step.
Active Ingredient: Citric Acid
Indended Use: Floors, walls, fixtures, countertops, kitchen surfaces, medical equipment surfaces, stainless steel, chrome, vinyl, glass, glazed ceramic tile, plastic appliances, car interiors, doorknobs, exam tables, laboratory equipment surfaces, operating room lights/tables, pet habitats, stalls, and transportation equipment surfaces
Application: Wiping
Neogen® Clean-Trace® Water - Free ATP
SKU No. 700002210 | Catalog No. AQF100
Clean-Trace® Water-Free ATP AQF100 is a single-use test device that contains sample collection rings for the collection of an aqueous sample.
Analyte: ATP
Result Type: Relative Light Units (RLU)
Time to Result: 8 Seconds
Application: Hygiene Monitoring
Neogen® Clean-Trace® Water Positive Control
SKU No. 700002102 | Catalog No. LWATP10
Clean-Trace® Water Positive Control is designed to enhance hygiene monitoring procedures by providing cost effective assurance that hygiene monitoring reagents and instruments are being used and stored correctly to ensure reliable results.
Result Type: Relative Light Units (RLU)
Limit of Detection: 1 ng
Time to Result: 8 Seconds
Application: Hygiene Monitoring
COMPANION™ RTU Disinfectant
COMPANION RTU is a dual active, ready-to-use disinfectant designed to be effective against a broad spectrum of organisms that may present challenges in your facilities.
Active Ingredient: Quaternary Ammonium/Glutaraldehyde
Indended Use: Veterinary clinics, animal care facilities, animal quarantine areas, animal laboratories, animal life science laboratories, animal research centers, zoos, pet shops, kennels, animal husbandry, animal breeding facilities, breeding and grooming establishments, and tack shops
Iodis® is a sudsing iodine cleaner, deodorizer, disinfectant, and sanitizer for use on farm premises, poultry houses, and food plants.
Application: Immersion, Mopping, Spraying, Flooding
Dyne-O-Might® is a cleaner-disinfectant and ammonia neutralizer made up of a unique patented blend of acids and iodine.
Active Ingredient: Iodine
Indended Use: Poultry farms, cattle barns, ratite facilities, swine facilities, dairy facilities, foot baths, zoos
Application: Mechanical Coarse Sprayer, Boot Baths
AquaPrime® Peraside™ 15%
AquaPrime Peraside 15 is an EPA, NSF, & OMRI approved peroxyacetic acid-based microbiocide developed for cleaning and disinfecting poultry and livestock drinking water lines.
Active Ingredient: Peroxyacetic Acid, Hydrogen Peroxide
Application: Medicator
Neogen® Viroxide Super™
SKU No. 433608/11
Neogen® Viroxide Super™, a powdered, Peroxygen-based disinfectant, offers rapid broad-spectrum disinfection as part of comprehensive biosecurity program.
Active Ingredient: Peroxymonsulfate
Indended Use: Animal Production housing, poultry facilities, companion animal facilities, hard surface disinfection
Application: Spray on Hard Surfaces, Vehicle Disinfection, Boot Baths, Footbaths
A peroxyacetic acid-based sanitizer, descaler, and disinfectant.
Active Ingredient: Peroxyacetic Acid, Hydrogen Peroxide
Application: Mechanical Sprayer, Fogging, Soaking, Proportioner
AquaPrime® NeoKlor
AquaPrime® NeoKlor is a 7.5% Sodium Chlorite solution that is EPA, NSF & OMRI approved for usage in drinking water for livestock and potable water disinfection.
Active Ingredient: Sodium Chlorite
Indended Use: Disinfection of potable water found on poultry, swine, and cattle production sites, dairies, food plant processing, poultry process water, industrial cooling
Application: Closed Generation System, Acid-Chlorite Chlorine Dioxide Systems, Potable Water Applications
Barnstorm® is a heavy-duty, concentrated cleaner and descaler. It has a unique blend of specially formulated acids and a high-foaming detergent designed to remove both organic and inorganic soils from surfaces prior to disinfection.
Active Ingredient: Acidic Foaming Formulation
Indended Use: Poultry facilities, hatcheries, swine quarters, waters & feeders, vehicles, and foot baths
Application: Foaming, Immersion, Spraying, Mopping
BioSentry® BioPhene™ Spray Disinfectant
SKU No. 490910
BioSentry BioPhene Spray Disinfectant is an EPA-registered, hospital grade, aerosol disinfectant that effectively controls common viruses and bacteria.
Active Ingredient: O-Phenylphenol, Ethanol
Indended Use: In many areas where quick disinfection may be needed. Service vehicles, animal transport vehicles, footwear, animal care facilities, livestock facilities, office quarters, animal quarantine areas, animal laboratories, and animal life science laboratories.
Application: Aerosolized Spray
Qty per Case: 12
Maintaining effective sanitation and hygiene is critical across industries for keeping your operation running smoothly. Our comprehensive sanitation solutions, from sanitation monitoring and ATP testing to disinfectants and hand hygiene, help ensure clean, safe environments and support healthy people and animals.
Prevent the spread of pathogens and diseases with our sanitation and hygiene solutions. Our portfolio offers a wide range of active ingredients that target specific pathogens and a wide pH range for different types of applications.