Result Type
Results 117
Raptor® Integrated Analysis Platform
SKU No. 700002783 | Catalog No. 9680
The Raptor® Integrated Analysis Platform is a lateral flow test strip reader with built-in incubation. The Raptor provides an easy way to objectively analyze and store the results of Neogen®’s lateral flow tests.
Platform: Lateral Flow
Raptor® Solo Integrated Analysis Platform
SKU No. 700002790 | Catalog No. 9696
The Raptor® Integrated Analysis Platform is a lateral flow test strip reader with built-in incubation. The Raptor provides an easy way to objectively analyze and store the results of Neogen®’s lateral flow tests.
Platform: Lateral Flow
Reveal® Q+ for DON
SKU No. 700002539 | Catalog No. 8385
A single-step lateral flow immunochromatographic assay based on a competitive immunoassay format intended for the quantitative testing of DON in grain and grain products.
Analyte: Deoxynivalenol (DON)
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 0.3 ppm
Approvals: FGIS: 2018-106; AOAC-PTM 071901
Reveal® Q+ for Aflatoxin
SKU No. 700002497 | Catalog No. 8085
Reveal® Q+ for Aflatoxin is a single-step lateral flow immunochromatographic assay based on a competitive immunoassay format intended for the quantitative testing of aflatoxin in grain and grain products.
Analyte: Aflatoxin
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 2 ppb
Approvals: FGIS 2018-114; FGIS02019-119
Reveal® Q+ for DON EndPoint
SKU No. 700002536 | Catalog No. 8375
An easy-to-use quantitative lateral flow test based on a competitive immunoassay format for the detection of DON.
Analyte: Deoxynivalenol (DON)
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Approvals: FGIS: 2021-154
Reveal® Q+ for Fumonisin
SKU No. 700002625 | Catalog No. 8885
Reveal® Q+ for Fumonisin is a single-step lateral flow immunochromatographic assay based on a competitive immunoassay format intended for the quantitative testing of fumonisin in corn products.
Analyte: Fumonisin
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 0.3 ppm
Approvals: FGIS: 2018-116
Reveal® Q+ MAX for DON
SKU No. 700002541 | Catalog No. 8388
Reveal® Q+ MAX for DON is a lateral flow test that offers results in 3 minutes. This line of mycotoxin tests is used for six mycotoxins using water-based extraction, which eliminates the need for hazardous materials in the extraction process.
Analyte: Deoxynivalenol (DON)
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 0.3 ppm
Reveal® Q+ MAX for Aflatoxin
SKU No. 700002499 | Catalog No. 8088
Reveal® Q+ MAX for Aflatoxin is a lateral flow test that offers results in 6 minutes. This line of mycotoxin tests is used for six mycotoxins using water-based extraction, which eliminates the need for hazardous materials in the extraction process.
Analyte: Aflatoxin
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 3 ppb
Approvals: FGIS 2019-125; AOAC-PTM 071801
Reveal® Q+ MAX for Zearalenone
SKU No. 700002516 | Catalog No. 8188
Reveal® Q+ MAX for Zearalenone is a lateral flow test that offers results in just 5 minutes. This line of mycotoxin tests ues water-based extraction, which eliminates the need for hazardous materials in the extraction process.
Analyte: Zearalenone
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: Corn: 36 ppb. Wheat: 21 ppb.
Range of Quantitation: 25.00 ppb - 500.00 ppb
Reveal® Q+ MAX for Ochratoxin
SKU No. 700002614 | Catalog No. 8688
Reveal® Q+ MAX for Ochratoxin is a lateral flow test that offers results in just 5 minutes. This water-based extraction test can be used on a variety of commodities, including green coffee.
Analyte: Ochratoxin
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 1.1 ppb
Reveal® Q+ MAX for T-2/HT-2
SKU No. 700002528 | Catalog No. 8288
Reveal® Q+ MAX for T-2/HT-2 is a lateral flow test that offers results in just 5 minutes. This line of mycotoxin tests uses water-based extraction, which eliminates the need for hazardous materials in the extraction process.
Analyte: T-2/HT-2
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 50 ppb
Reveal® Q+ for Zearalenone
SKU No. 700002515 | Catalog No. 8185
Reveal® Q+ for Zearalenone is a single-step lateral flow immunochromatographic assay based on a competitive immunoassay format intended for the quantitative testing of zearalenone in corn and wheat products.
Analyte: Zearalenone
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 50 ppb
Range of Quantitation: 50.00 ppb - 1,200.00 ppb
Approvals: FGIS 2018-115
Reveal® Q+ for Ochratoxin
SKU No. 700002612 | Catalog No. 8685
Reveal® Q+ for Ochratoxin is a single-step lateral flow immunochromatographic assay based on a competitive immunoassay format intended for the quantitative testing of ochratoxin in grain and grain products.
Analyte: Ochratoxin
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 2 ppb
Reveal® Q+ for T-2/HT-2
SKU No. 700002527 | Catalog No. 8285
Reveal® Q for T-2/HT-2 is a single-step lateral flow immunochromatographic assay based on a competitive immunoassay format intended for the quantitative testing of T-2/HT-2 in grain and grain products.
Analyte: T-2/HT-2
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 50 ppb
Reveal® for Aflatoxin
Reveal® for Aflatoxin is a single-step lateral flow immunochromatographic assay based on a competitive immunoassay format intended for the visual screening of aflatoxin in corn and wheat.
Analyte: Aflatoxin
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Qualitative
Limit of Detection: 20 ppb
Reveal® MAX for Aflatoxin
SKU No. 700002476 | Catalog No. 8018
Reveal® MAX for Aflatoxin is a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay based on a competitve immunoassay format intended for the visual screening of corn or wheat for the presence of aflatoxin.
Analyte: Aflatoxin
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Qualitative
Limit of Detection: 20 ppb
Veratox® for DON 2/3
SKU No. 700002534 | Catalog No. 8335
Veratox® for DON 2/3 is a competitive direct ELISA that provides a quantitative analysis of DON in cereal grains and grain products, such as wheat, wheat flour, wheat midds, wheat bran, corn, cornmeal, corn screenings, barley, malted barley and oats.
Analyte: Deoxynivalenol (DON)
Platform: ELISA
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 0.1 ppm
Approvals: GIPSA 2018-111; AOAC-RI 090901
Veratox® for Aflatoxin
SKU No. 700002479 | Catalog No. 8030
Veratox® for Aflatoxin is a ELISA that gives a quantitative analysis of aflatoxin in corn, cornmeal, corn gluten meal, corn/soy blend, wheat, rice, milled rice, milo, soy, whole cottonseed, cottonseed meal, raw peanuts, peanut butter and mixed feeds.
Analyte: Aflatoxin
Platform: ELISA
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 1.4 ppb
Approvals: USDA/GIPSA 2018-113; AOAC-RI 050901
Veratox® for Zearalenone
SKU No. 700002513 | Catalog No. 8110
Veratox® for Zearalenone is a competitive direct ELISA that provides a quantitative analysis of zearalenone in such commodities as corn, wheat, barley and DDGS.
Analyte: Zearalenone
Platform: ELISA
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 5 ppb
Reveal® Q+ for Aflatoxin EndPoint
SKU No. 700002494 | Catalog No. 8075
A lateral flow immunochromatographic assay based on a competitive immunoassay format intended for the quantitative testing of aflatoxin in corn using the Raptor Solo Platform.
Analyte: Aflatoxin
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 2 ppb
Reveal® for CP4
SKU No. 700002471 | Catalog No. 8005
Reveal® for CP4 is an immunochromatographic lateral flow assay used for the qualitative analysis of CP4 in soybeans and corn.
Analyte: CP4
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Qualitative
Limit of Detection: Soybeans: 1 in 1,000 beans (0.1%). Corn: 1 in 800 kernels (0.125%).
Reveal® Q+ for Aflatoxin M1
SKU No. 700003767 | Catalog No. RQAFM1
Reveal® Q+ for Aflatoxin M1 is an assay for the rapid detection of aflatoxin M1, a mycotoxin metabolite found in milk.
Analyte: Aflatoxin M1
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 150 ppt
Time to Result: 5
Reveal® Q+ HS for Aflatoxin M1
SKU No. 700003768 | Catalog No. RQAFM1HS
Reveal® Q+ HS for Aflatoxin M1 is intended for the quantitative analysis or simple screening of Aflatoxin M1 in raw milk and dairy products.
Analyte: Aflatoxin M1
Platform: Lateral Flow
Result Type: Quantitative
Aflatoxin Check Sample
Neogen’s Mycotoxin Reference Materials (MRM) are an effective product for validating in-house testing protocols.
Analyte: Aflatoxin
DON Check Sample
In today’s food safety-focused environment, it is critical to any quality assurance program to have a reliable option to verify testing procedures, methods, and equipment performance.
Analyte: Deoxynivalenol (DON)
Fumonisin Check Sample
In today’s food safety-focused environment, it is critical to any quality assurance program to have a reliable option to verify testing procedures, methods, and equipment performance.
Analyte: Fumonisin
Veratox® for Fumonisin
SKU No. 700002618 | Catalog No. 8830
Veratox® for Fumonisin is a competitive direct ELISA that provides a quantitative analysis of fumonisin in commodities such as barley, corn, DDGS, milo, popcorn, rice, soybeans and wheat.
Analyte: Fumonisin
Platform: ELISA
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 0.2 ppm
Approvals: AOAC Official Method 2001.06
Veratox® for Ochratoxin
SKU No. 700002609 | Catalog No. 8610
Veratox® for Ochratoxin is a competitive direct ELISA that provides a quantitative analysis of ochratoxin in such commodities as corn, barley, wheat, green coffee, oats, rice, soybeans and various dried fruits.
Analyte: Ochratoxin
Platform: ELISA
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 1 ppb
Veratox® for Ochratoxin Grain
SKU No. 700002610 | Catalog No. 8630
Veratox® for Ochratoxin Grain is a competitive direct ELISA that provides a quantitative analysis of ochratoxin in such commodities as corn, barley, and other grains.
Analyte: Ochratoxin
Platform: ELISA
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 2 ppb
Veratox® MAX for Total Aflatoxin
SKU No. 700002483 | Catalog No. 8035
Veratox® MAX for Total Aflatoxin is gives the quantitative analysis of aflatoxin in corn and corn gluten meal. This kit is designed to detect the four types of aflatoxin: B1, B2, G1 and G2 with superior cross reactivity when compared to other kits.
Analyte: Aflatoxin
Platform: ELISA
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 2.5 ppb
Training - Mycotoxins
SKU No. 680000137 | Catalog No. 9419M
Used to verify those trained on Neogen mycotoxin tests (Agri-Screen®, Reveal® and Veratox®) can proficiently run the tests and obtain valid results.
Platform: Training
Proficiency Testing Program for Aflatoxin
SKU No. 680000459 | Catalog No. 9459
Neogen’s Proficiency Testing programs are designed to provide a robust and easy-to-use tool for monitoring and gauging competency regarding the use of in-house food safety diagnostic methods.
Distribution Dates: April 14, 2025
Proficiency Testing Program for DON
SKU No. 680000460 | Catalog No. 9460
Neogen’s Proficiency Testing programs are designed to provide a robust and easy-to-use tool for monitoring and gauging competency regarding the use of in-house food safety diagnostic methods.
Distribution Dates: April 14, 2025
Proficiency Testing Program for Fumonisin
SKU No. 680000458 | Catalog No. 8878
Neogen’s Proficiency Testing programs are designed to provide a robust and easy-to-use tool for monitoring and gauging competency regarding the use of in-house food safety diagnostic methods.
Distribution Dates: April 14, 2025
Mycotoxin Extraction Kit
SKU No. 700002487 | Catalog No. 8052
Contains 12 filter syringes , 12 sample collection tubes and caps, and 12 cups and lids.
Veratox® for DON 5/5
Veratox® for DON 5/5 is a competitive direct ELISA that provides a quantitative analysis of DON in cereal grains and grain products, such as wheat, wheat flour, wheat midds, wheat bran, corn, cornmeal, corn screenings, barley, malted barley and oats.
Analyte: Deoxynivalenol (DON)
Platform: ELISA
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 0.1 ppm
Approvals: FGIS 2018-110
Veratox® for T-2/HT-2
SKU No. 700002525 | Catalog No. 8230
Veratox® for T-2/HT-2 is a competitive direct ELISA that provides a quantitative analysis of T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin in commodities such as wheat, corn, barley, oats and rye.
Analyte: T-2/HT-2
Platform: ELISA
Result Type: Quantitative
Limit of Detection: 25 ppb
Neogen’s extensive lines of mycotoxin testing solutions has been trusted for years to deliver fast results easily and flexibly, with tests that can be used quickly on-site to enhance any mycotoxin management program.
As your mycotoxin testing partner, we know your needs change with the seasons. We provide you with a wide range of qualitative and quantitative test kits to cover all of your testing needs. We also offer full-service mycotoxin support, including remote training with LabLive, troubleshooting assistance, procedure pages, Proficiency Testing programs, 24/7 global customer assistance, and ISO-accredited labs — all to enhance your mycotoxin testing program.