Ovine Fertility Traits

SKU No.  61103  |  Catalog No. 

  • Enhanced genetic selection by allowing breeders to select for desirable traits and avoid undesirable ones.
  • Identify animals with improved reproductive efficiency.
  • Helps identify animals with increased ovulation rate and litter size.
$18.50 each
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Expect availability in 2-4 weeks
Minimum quantity required: 1
This item must be ordered in multiples of one case. Quantity per case: 1

Growth and Differentiation Factor 8 (GDF9): Ewes carrying one copy of the Growth Differentiation Factor gene is expected to result in a 30% increase in ovulation rate compared to non-carriers. Two copies of this gene are expected to result in a 60% increase in ovulation rate. Ewes carrying this gene remain fertile, maximizing the farm’s productivity.

Booroola: The gene associated with Booroola, is a major prolificacy gene that leads to twinning in sheep and so can improve animal productivity.

Additional Testing

Additional testing is available to add in the next step when uploading your submission form.
Result TypePresence/Absence
Turnaround Time3 to 4 weeks