Livestock Genetic Traits & Conditions
Result Type
Results 38
Igenity® BCHF
SKU No. 20007
Igenity® BCHF is a genomic test that estimates an animal’s genetic risk for heart failure. By DNA testing cattle for BCHF, producers can confidently identify animals with the genetics to improve bovine heart health.
Species: Beef, Bovine
Result Type: Igenity Scores
$18.00 each
Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM)
SKU No. 205
Known as "curly calf", affected animals (those with two copies of the recessive allele) are stillborn and have a twisted or curved spine and extended and contracted limbs.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Angus and Angus influenced
$25.00 each
Coat Color (Black/Red)
SKU No. 216
Red or Black coat color in cattle.
Species: Bovine, Beef, Dairy
Breeds Supported: All breeds supported
$16.00 each
Developmental Duplication (DD)
SKU No. 219
Affected animals are born with all, or part of, an extra limb.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Angus and Angus influenced
$25.00 each
Igenity® Milk Proteins
SKU No. 287
Selection tool for milk protein management, including A2 beta casein, beta casein AB, kappa casein, and beta lactoglobulin to give the complete milk protein profile.
Species: Bovine, Dairy
$16.00 each
Ovine Scrapie
SKU No. 61106
A DNA test is available to identify the sheep's genotype and its resistance or susceptibility to scrapie. Make informed breeding decisions to remove susceptible animals from the flock.
Species: Ovine
$17.00 each
Igenity® Dairy Breeding Stock Traits
SKU No. 285
Broad screening bundle for breeding cattle selection, including milk proteins, horned/polled and embryonic lethals.
Species: Bovine, Dairy
$42.00 each
Igenity® Dairy Recessive Traits
SKU No. 286
Confirms the presence of deleterious recessives, including HCD, BLAD, Brachyspina, Citrulinemia, DUMPS, SAA, SMA, SDM, Weaver, and Holstein Mulefoot in Brown Swiss and Holstein cattle.
Species: Bovine, Dairy
$42.00 each
Igenity® Milk Proteins Plus
SKU No. 288
Selection tool for milk protein management, including A2 beta casein, beta casein AB, kappa casein, beta-lactoglobulin and SeekSire parent verification. Potential parent IDs must provided at the time of submission and have comparison markers on file.
Species: Bovine, Dairy
$21.00 each
Neuropathic Hydrocephalus (NH)
SKU No. 245
More commonly known as "waterhead", affected animals are born dead with an extremely large head with little or no brain material or spinal cord.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Angus and Angus influenced
$25.00 each
SKU No. 40-1052
Calves affected by Protoporphyria have an acute form of photosensitization resulting in hair loss and/or the formation of ulcers on areas exposed to sunlight. In some instances this condition is lethal.
Species: Beef, Bovine
Breeds Supported: Limousin and Limousin Influenced
$15.00 each
Red Charlie (RC)
SKU No. 263
Homozygous black animals which carry Red Charlie should be treated as carriers for the red coat color gene.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Simmental
$19.00 each
Contractural Arachnodactyly (CA)
SKU No. 213
Also known as “fawn calf”, CA results in an abnormality of skeletal development in Angus cattle.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Angus and Angus influenced
$25.00 each
Chondrodysplasia (CHO)
SKU No. 214
"Bulldog" calves, the lethal form, are stillborn. Dwarfism of the Dexter breed resulting in shortened legs.
Species: Bovine, Beef
$25.00 each
Complex Vertebral Malformation (CVM)
SKU No. 218
Complex Vertebral Malformation (CVM) is a lethal hereditary syndrome in Holstein animals causing malformed calves that are aborted or die shortly after birth.
Species: Bovine, Dairy
$38.00 each
Coat Color Dilutor (DL)
SKU No. 220
This dilution gene causes black coat color to be gray and red coat color to be yellow.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Hereford, Simmental, Gelbvieh
$25.00 each
Digital Subluxation (DS)
SKU No. 222
Affected animals are known to have malformation of the rear pastern or pasterns.
Species: Bovine, Beef
$25.00 each
Dun Coat Color (DN)
SKU No. 224
This dilution gene causes black coat color to be diluted to shades of dark brown to golden. Red pigment is not diluted by this mutation.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Dexter
$25.00 each
Horned/Polled (HP)
SKU No. 230
Genomic test to determine an animal's carrier status for the horned gene.
Species: Bovine
Breeds Supported: Hereford, Holstein, Murray Grey, Simmental
$42.00 each
Hypotrichosis (HY)
SKU No. 231
Also known as "hairlessness", affected animals have partial or total hair loss.
Species: Bovine, Beef, Dairy
Breeds Supported: Hereford, Holstein, Maine Anjou
$25.00 each
Idiopathic Epilepsy (IE)
SKU No. 232
Also referred to as “shaker calf”, affected animals are prone to seizures.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Hereford
$25.00 each
Alpha Mannosidosis (MA)
SKU No. 242
Affected animals develop poor coordination and an aggressive disposition when disturbed.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Angus and Murray Grey (not the Galloway variant)
$25.00 each
Myostatin (MYO)
SKU No. 244
Most commonly referred to as “double muscling”. Possible variants tested include C313Y, nt419, E226X, nt821, E291X, Q204X, D182N, F94L, and S105C.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Angus (M1), Belgian Blue, Limousin, Piedmontese, Red Angus
$25.00 each
Osteopetrosis (OS)
SKU No. 246
Also known as “marble bone”, affected animals phenotypically possess a short lower jaw and impacted molars as well as elongated, fragile bones that are easily broken.
Species: Bovine, Beef, Dairy
Breeds Supported: Angus, Hereford, Holstein, Simmental, Red Angus
$25.00 each
Pulmonary Hypoplasia Anasarca (PHA)
SKU No. 248
Affected animals are stillborn due to underdeveloped lungs and swelling caused by excessive fluid retention.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Chianina, Dexter, Maine Anjou, Shorthorn, Simmental
$25.00 each
Tibial Hemimelia (TH)
SKU No. 256
Affected animals are born with severe deformities including twisted rear legs with fused joints, large abdominal hernias and/or skull deformities.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Chianina, Dexter, Maine Anjou, Shorthorn, Simmental
$25.00 each
Oculocutaneous Hypopigmentation (OH)
SKU No. 261
Affected animals are known to have eyes with irises that are pale blue around the pupil.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Angus and Simmental
$25.00 each
SKU No. 292
Product designed to help commercial producers select cattle with the genetic potential for tender meat.
Species: Bovine, Beef
$26.00 each
Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD)
SKU No. 294
Causes mental and physical retardation, feeding problems, and a maple syrup odor to the urine.
Species: Bovine, Beef
Breeds Supported: Hereford
Ovine Spider Lamb Syndrome
SKU No. 609
Spider Lamb Syndrome is a congenital and heritable abnormality, caused by a recessive gene that produces a range of skeletal deformities in lambs.
Species: Ovine
$17.00 each
Alpaca Coat Color
SKU No. 215G
Screening tool for coat color management in alpacas which allows producers to breed alpacas with their ideal coat color.
Species: Alpaca
Breeds Supported: All breeds supported
$70.00 each
Elk Purity
SKU No. 30007
Elk Purity provides the percentage of elk genetics in a single animal compared to Eastern and European deer.
Species: Elk, Cervid
Key Traits: Purity
$31.00 each
Igenity® Swine
SKU No. 70001
Igenity® Swine delivers information for ten markers to assist you in making educated selection decisions.
Species: Swine, Porcine, Pig
Key Traits: F4 E. coli Resistance, Halothane (Porcine Stress Syndrome - PSS), Rendement Napole (RN)
Result Type: Igenity Scores
$40.00 each
Elk Parentage
SKU No. 30009
Elk parentage testing compares DNA markers from bulls (or cows) with DNA from calves to verify the calves’ parentage.
Species: Elk, Cervid
Key Traits: Parentage Verification
$31.00 each
Ovine Fertility Traits
SKU No. 61103
Ovine Fertility Traits is a bundle product that offers the Growth and Differentiation Factor 8 (GDF9) and Booroola.
Species: Ovine
Result Type: Presence/Absence
$18.50 each
Ovine Health Traits
SKU No. 61105
Ovine Health Traits is a bundle product that includes Hypotrichosis, Achondroplasia, Microphthalmia and Ovine Progressive Pneumonia.
Species: Ovine
Result Type: Presence/Absence
$18.50 each
Ovine Meat Traits
SKU No. 61102
Ovine Meat Traits is a bundle product that offers Myostatin and Callipyge.
Species: Ovine
Result Type: Presence/Absence
$18.50 each
Understanding your livestock’s genetic traits and conditions allows you to effectively leverage DNA testing to plan for your herd’s future. Our comprehensive and cost-effective genotyping tools support a wide range of applications for commercial and research applications across species, and our global network of animal genomics laboratories is ISO 17025 certified.
Our expert solutions translate data into timely, accurate genetic trait and condition information to make strategic decisions about your herd at every step. Our GGP fixed genotyping array solutions give you detailed genomic analysis using our advanced chip-based technologies and fast, efficient testing to develop targeted predictions and enhance breeding values.