Igenity® Feeder

SKU No.  42  |  Catalog No. 

Igenity Feeder can help you to objectively and consistently manage feedlot pens to meet your end goals. Igenity Feeder uses DNA information to predict performance, quality, and economic endpoints for cattle feeders.

  • Use the Igenity Terminal Index (ITI) to accurately and quickly sort calves based on their genetic predisposition to grow and grade.
  • Pair the Igenity Terminal Index with Igenity Branded to market superior cattle for a premium on sale day.
  • Predict Days on Feed (DOF), manage with precision, and optimize your head day with Feeder.
  • Calves tested with this product can qualify for Igenity Branded if they meet the qualifications listed.
$15.00 each
In stock
Out of stock
Expect availability in 2-4 weeks
Minimum quantity required: 1
This item must be ordered in multiples of one case. Quantity per case: 1

Igenity Feeder brings genomic testing to a new sector of the beef industry, empowering producers at the stocker, backgrounder, and feedlot phase to make more informed decisions based on the genetic potential of feeder cattle. With Igenity Feeder, you can easily verify a calf crop’s genetic potential for growth and carcass characteristics using the Igenity Terminal Index. Not only can genetically superior cattle earn you a premium on sale day, but cattle tested on Igenity Feeder also receive Neogen’s new Days on Feed (DOF) Index to help feedlot operators group lots of cattle according to their optimal days on feed. Paired with Neogen’s 17-day turnaround time guarantee*, never before has this type of information been so fast, accurate, and affordable.

Additional Testing

Additional testing is available to add in the next step when uploading your submission form.
Breeds SupportedAngus, Gelbvieh, Hereford, Limousin, Maine-Anjou, Red Angus, Shorthorn, Simmental
SpeciesBovine, Beef
Result TypeIgenity Scores
Profile DetailIgenity Feeder reports both an Igenity Terminal Index and Neogen’s new Igenity DOF Index. The Igenity Terminal Index is designed to rank cattle according to their genetic potential for terminal traits while the Igenity DOF Index ranks cattle according to their genetic potential for gain and fattening. A higher DOF index value will indicate animals with increased gain potential, and fatten at lower weights, resulting in fewer estimated DOF.
Data ResultsIgenity Feeder Report
Submission InformationTSU barcode, EID, and Sex all required information for each sample submitted.
Genetic ConditionsBVDV
Turnaround TimeQualified orders will receive their results in 17 calendar days. See the Additional Information section for more information.

Additional Information

  • Use Igenity Feeder to qualify genetically superior cattle for Igenity Branded.
  • Pair Igenity Feeder’s DOF Index with an animal’s enrollment weight for an estimated DOF for optimum profitability in the feedlot
  • 17-day TAT Guarantee – receive Igenity Feeder results in 17 calendar days (excluding holidays), or get 20% off your entire order.
    • Qualifications: To qualify for Igenity Turnaround time guarantee, samples received must meet all the following criteria:
      • Allflex Tissue Sampling Units (TSUs) are the only sample type accepted
      • Sample must be summitted with an electronic manifest and include all required information
    • Required information includes:
      • Samples must be properly identified upon arrival by including a printed copy of the submission form.
      • Submission form must include operation name, address, and selected products with TSU barcode, EID, and sex of each animal


Our customers’ success is our shared success. Our customer service teams are ready to assist you and your team on our solutions, so you can rest easy knowing sampling procedures are performed properly and yield accurate results.