Animal Health
Results 35
Neogen®Vet PanaKare™ Plus Powder ℞
Pancreatic Enzyme Concentrate
Pancreatic Enzyme Concentrate
PanaKare™ Plus is for use as a digestive aid in replacement therapy in dogs and cats where digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats is inadequate due to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI).
Species: Dog, Cat
Indications: For use as a digestive aid in replacement therapy for dogs and cats where digestion of protein, carbohydrates and fat is inadequate due to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)
Rx Required: True
Neogen®Vet PanaKare™ Plus Tablets ℞
Pancreatic Enzyme Concentrate
Pancreatic Enzyme Concentrate
PanaKare™ Plus is for use as a digestive aid in replacement therapy in dogs and cats where digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats is inadequate due to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI).
Species: Dog, Cat
Indications: For use as a digestive aid in replacement therapy for dogs and cats where digestion of protein, carbohydrates and fat is inadequate due to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)
Rx Required: True
Trimethoprim and Sulfadiazine
Trimethoprim and Sulfadiazine
UNIPRIM® is an FDA approved trimethoprim and sulfadiazine oral antibiotic powder for horses. For use against systemic bacterial infections.
Species: Equine
Indications: For control of bacterial infections during treatment of acute strangles, respiratory tract infections, acute urogenital infections, wound infections, and abscesses.
Rx Required: True
SKU No. 08820
CHONDROPROTEC® is a sterile 10 mL solution containing 1000 mg of polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (100 mg/mL). For use on dogs, cats, and horses.
Species: Horses, Dog, Cat
Indications: Partial and full thickness wounds. Secreting and bleeding dermal lesions. 1st and 2nd degree burns. Pressure ulcers (Stages I-IV). Surgical incisions. Donor sites. Venous stasis ulcers.
Rx Required: True
Clostridium botulinum Type B Toxoid
Neogen®Vet BotVax® B
Neogen®Vet BotVax® B
Clostridium botulinum Type B Toxoid Neogen®Vet BotVax® B is for the prevention of equine botulism due to Clostridium botulinum Type B in healthy horses.
Species: Equine
Indications: BotVax® B is for the prevention of equine botulism due to Clostridium botulinum Type B in healthy horses.
Rx Required: False
Propionibacterium Acnes Immunostimulant
Neogen®Vet EqStim®
Neogen®Vet EqStim®
EqStim is indicated in the horse as an adjunct to conventional therapy in the treatment of Equine Respiratory Disease Complex (ERDC).
Species: Equine
Indications: EqStim is indicated in the horse as an adjunct to conventional therapy in the treatment of Equine Respiratory Disease Complex (ERDC). The product has been demonstrated to be effective in increasing the rate of recovery when used in conjunction with antibiotic or hyperimmune therapy in the treatment of primary and secondary bacterial and viral infections associated with ERDC.
Rx Required: False
Propionibacterium Acnes Immunostimulant
Neogen®Vet ImmunoRegulin®
Neogen®Vet ImmunoRegulin®
SKU No. 08892
ImmunoRegulin® is a preparation consisting of 0.4 mg/mL nonviable P. acnes suspended in 12.5% ethanol in saline.
Species: Dog
Indications: A USDA-approved immunostimulant for use as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy in controlling and reducing the lesions of chronic recurrent pyoderma in the dog.
Rx Required: False
SKU No. 79103
Fura-Zone® is for the prevention or treatment of surface bacterial infections of wounds, burns, and cutaneous ulcers in horses. May also be used as a sweat. NADA 132-427, Approved by FDA.
Species: Horses
Rx Required: False
Neogen®Vet AluSpray®
Aluminum Powder
Aluminum Powder
SKU No. 08887
AluSpray® is a convenient, water-resistant aerosol bandage that creates a protective barrier against external irritants in simple wounds of small and large animals.
Rx Required: False
Neogen®Vet HYCOAT® ℞
Hyaluronate Sodium Sterile Solution
Hyaluronate Sodium Sterile Solution
HYCOAT® 10 mL is a sterile solution containing 50 mg of sodium hyaluronate (5 mg/mL), having a pH of 6.5-7.25. The average relative molecular weight of HYCOAT 10 m
Species: Dog, Cat, Equine
Indications: For use on dogs, cats and horses (not for food animal use) as a topical wound management solution. In cases of pressure ulcers, surgical wounds, 1st and 2nd degree burns, chronic and acute wounds, venous stasis ulcers, and autograft procedures.
Rx Required: True
Neogen®Vet RenaKare™ ℞
Potassium Gluconate
Potassium Gluconate
RenaKare™ provides potassium supplementation for use in potassium deficient states in cats and dogs.
Species: Cat, Dog
Rx Required: True
Neogen®Vet Tri-Hist® Granules ℞
SKU No. 08874
Tri-Hist® Granules is an antihistamine and decongestant powder for horses.
Species: Equine
Indications: For use in horses when a histamine antagonizing preparation is required.
Rx Required: True
Neogen®Vet Vitamin B Complex 150 ℞
SKU No. 09085
Vitamin B Complex 150 is for use in the treatment of B-complex vitamin deficiencies in cattle, sheep, and horses.
Species: Beef, Dairy, Equine, Sheep
Indications: A source of B complex vitamins for use in the treatment of deficiencies of these vitamins in cattle, sheep and horses.
Rx Required: True
Neogen®Vet Vitamin B12 3000 mcg ℞
SKU No. 09087
Cyanocobalamin 3000 mcg is for use in managing vitamin B12 deficiencies associated with cobalt deficiency, inadequate intake, or intestinal malabsorption.
Species: Beef, Dairy, Equine, Sheep, Dog, Cat
Indications: For use in managing vitamin B12 deficiencies associated with cobalt deficiency, inadequate intake, or intestinal malabsorption in cattle, horses, sheep, swine, dogs, and cats.
Rx Required: True
Neogen®Vet Vitamin B12 5000 mcg ℞
SKU No. 09088
Cyanocobalamin 5000 mcg is for use in managing vitamin B12 deficiencies associated with cobalt deficiency, inadequate intake, or intestinal malabsorption in cattle, horses, sheep, and swine.
Species: Beef, Dairy, Equine, Sheep, Swine
Indications: For use in managing vitamin B12 deficiencies associated with cobalt deficiency, inadequate intake, or intestinal malabsorption in cattle, horses, sheep and swine.
Rx Required: True
Neogen®Vet Vitamin K1 Injection ℞
SKU No. 09089
Vitamin K1 is to treat hypoprothrombinemia induced by ingestion of anti-coagulant rodenticides or consumption of bishydroxycoumarin found in spoiled and moldy sweet clover.
Species: Beef, Dairy, Equine, Swine, Sheep, Goat
Indications: For use in treating hypoprothrombinemia induced by ingestion of anticoagulant rodenticides or consumption of bishydroxycoumarin found in spoiled and moldy sweet clover in: cattle, horses, swine, sheep, goats, dogs, and cats.
Rx Required: True
Neogen®Vet Sodium Ascorbate ℞
SKU No. 09077
Sodium Ascorbate is for use as a nutritive supplement of vitamin C in cattle, horses, sheep, swine, dogs and cats.
Species: Beef, Dairy, Equine, Sheep, Swine, Dog, Cat
Indications: For use as a nutritive supplement of vitamin C in cattle, horses, sheep, swine, dogs and cats.
Rx Required: True
Neogen®Vet Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% ℞
SKU No. 09078
Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% is for the treatment of metabolic acidosis. The total osmolar concentration of this product is approximately 2,000 mOsm/L.
Species: Beef, Dairy
Indications: Sodium Bicarbonate is indicated in the treatment of metabolic acidosis which may be due to severe renal disease, uncontrolled diabetes, circulatory insufficiency due to shock or severe dehydration, cardiac arrest and severe primary lactic acidosis. Sodium Bicarbonate is also indicated in severe diarrhea which is often accompanied by a significant loss of bicarbonate. Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% is indicated in the treatment of metabolic acidosis in cattle, horse, sheep, swine and dogs depending upon causative factor.
Rx Required: True
Neogen®Vet Thiamine Hydrochloride ℞
SKU No. 09083
Thiamine Hydrochloride is for use as a supplemental source of thiamine in dogs, cats, and horses.
Species: Dog, Cat, Equine
Indications: For use as a supplemental source of thiamine in dogs, cats, and horses.
Rx Required: True
Neogen®Vet Natural E-AD
SKU No. 09063
Natural E-AD is for use as a supplemental source of vitamins A, D, and E.
Species: Swine, Sheep, Beef, Dairy
Indications: Natural E-A+D Injectable is a clear, sterile, water emulsifiable solution of vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E. This product is indtended as a supplemental source of natural vitamins A, D, and E.
Rx Required: False
Neogen®Vet Natural E-300
SKU No. 09062
Natural E-300 is for use as an aid in the prevention and treatment of vitamin E deficiencies in swine, cattle and sheep.
Species: Swine, Sheep, Beef, Dairy
Indications: Natural E-300 Injection is a clear, sterile, water emulsifiable solution of d-alpha-tocopherol for use as an aid in the prevention and treatment of vitamin E deficiencies in swine, cattle, and sheep. This product is intended as a supplemental source of natural vitamin E.
Rx Required: False
Neogen®Vet Mannitol 20% Injection ℞
SKU No. 09061
Mannitol 20% is for use as an osmotic diuretic in canine species.
Species: Dog
Indications: Mannitol Injection 20% is indicated for use as an osmotic diuretic in canine species. Mannitol is essentially inert metabolically. When given parenterally, it is freely filtered at the glomerulus which produces osmotic diuresis as more than 90% of the mannitol injected escapes reabsorption.
Rx Required: True
Ideal® Animal Health AluShield™
Aluminum Powder
Aluminum Powder
SKU No. 79100C
AluShield™ is a convenient, water-resistant aerosol bandage that creates a protective barrier against external irritants in simple wounds of small and large animals.
Rx Required: False
Qty per Case: 12
Ideal® Animal Health Blood Stop Powder
SKU No. 79204
Blood Stop Powder is for use as an aid in control of capillary bleeding from minor cuts and wounds in horses, cattle and sheep. May also be used on dogs and cats when clipping nails or claws.
Species: Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dog, Cat
Rx Required: False
Qty per Case: 12
Ideal® Animal Health Drawing Salve
Ammonium Bituminosulfonate 20%
Ammonium Bituminosulfonate 20%
SKU No. 79105
Drawing Salve is for use on hooves, nails, and skin of horses and dogs.
Species: Horses, Dog
Rx Required: False
Qty per Case: 12
Ideal® Animal Health Gentle Iodine Wound Spray
1% Titratable Iodine
1% Titratable Iodine
Gentle Iodine Wound Spray is a topical antiseptic of 1% titratable iodine for use on horses, cattle and swine.
Species: Horses, Cattle, Swine
Indications: For use in cattle, horses and swine as a topical antiseptic prior to surgical procedures such as castrating and tail docking; for application to the umbilical stump (navel) of newborn animals; and for minor cuts, teat sores, bruises and abrasions.
Rx Required: False
Ideal® Animal Health Kaolin Pectin Suspension
SKU No. 79219
For oral administration as an aid in the treatment of non-infectious diarrhea in horses, cattle, dogs and cats.
Species: Horses, Cattle, Dog, Cat
Indications: For oral administration as an aid in the treatment of non-infectious diarrhea in horses, cattle, dogs and cats.
Rx Required: False
Qty per Case: 4
Ideal® Animal Health Milk of Magnesia
SKU No. 79135
Milk of Magnesia is for the relief of gastric reflux, acid indigestion (sour stomach), and mild constipation in horses and dogs.
Species: Horses, Dog
Indications: For the relief of gastric reflux, acid indigestion (sour stomach), and mild constipation in horses and dogs.
Rx Required: False
Qty per Case: 4
Ideal® Animal Health Mineral Oil Light
SKU No. 08848
Mineral Oil Light is used as a mild laxative for lubrication of the intestinal tract.
Species: Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Dog
Indications: A mild laxative for lubrication of the intestinal tract.
Rx Required: False
Qty per Case: 4
Ideal® Animal Health Topical Fungicide
Benzalkonium Chloride 0.15%
Benzalkonium Chloride 0.15%
SKU No. 79209
Topical Fungicide is for use in cattle, sheep and goats as an aid in the control of foot rot. For use on horses, dogs and cats as an aid in the control of girth itch (ringworm).
Species: Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Horses, Dog, Cat
Rx Required: False
Qty per Case: 12
Ideal® Animal Health Udder Balm
Udder Balm aids in soothing and softening chapped and irritated skin. Recommended for use on teats, udders, and other skin areas that are exposed to frequent washing and temperature changes.
Species: Beef, Dairy
Rx Required: False
Ideal® Animal Health Vi-tal
SKU No. 148178
To provide supplemental vitamins, electrolytes and trace minerals to aid in growth and productivity; to stimulate water consumption; and to maintain balance of body fluids in livestock and poultry.
Indications: To provide supplemental vitamins, electrolytes and trace minerals to aid in growth and productivity; to stimulate water consumption; and to maintain balance of body fluids in livestock and poultry.
Rx Required: False
Qty per Case: 36
Stress-Dex® Powder
Stress-Dex® is a balanced electrolyte powder for horses, to be used as a supplemental source of calcium, phosphorus, salt and potassium.
Species: Equine
Rx Required: False
Neogen®Vet Aspirin USP with Apple Flavoring
SKU No. 08897
Aspirin USP with Apple Flavoring is for use as an aid in reducing fever and for mild analgesia.
Species: Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Dog
Indications: For use as an aid in reducing fever and for mild analgesia.
Rx Required: False
Qty per Case: 12
Neogen®Vet ThyroKare™ Equine Powder ℞
(levothyroxine sodium, USP)
(levothyroxine sodium, USP)
ThyroKare Equine Powder is for use in horses to correct conditions associated with low circulating thyroid horomone (hypothyroidism). Levothyroxine sodium (T4) is a synthetic isomer of thyroxine.
Species: Equine
Indications: For use in horses for correction of conditions associated with low circulating thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism).
Rx Required: True
Our expertise offers you safe and effective products for animal health and optimal performance with antibiotics, vaccines, supplements, and more. Keep your animals healthy with our expert solutions partnering with owners and veterinarians from prevention to treatment. Our wide range of proven, quality products has earned the trust of animal caregivers worldwide.